So we have just finished Week 8 which means
there are 2 weeks left of this term.
This means there is only 12 weeks of school
This year has just come and gone so fast!!!
One minute I was meeting my little fish and
working out what they needed and now I am mentally preparing to let them go -
which is not an easy thing for me to do!!!!
I am trying my hardest to make every day
memorable and meaningful - in terms of our interactions not learning. Our
learning is ALWAYS meaningful! ;)
This week we have been looking at our mapping
skills in maths!!!
I love teaching mapping because there are so
many fun things to do with it!
Last year my class really loved Harry Potter so
we went on a hunt for Voldemort’s horcruxes!!This year my little fish are not into Harry
Potter as much so it was time for a change and nothing beats a good old pirate
treasure hunt!!!
I found an only cardboard box with a flap lid to
use for my treasure chest!
Using spray paint, glitter and a hair dryer I
turned a plain brown packing box into a pirate treasure chest!
Inside the treasure chest I put in some pirate
loot bags for my little pirates backed with some goodies! J
Big W has a new party section which is AMAZING
it has party decorations according the theme! These are just SOME of the great things I found!!!
I have linked the pictures to their online store. Click on the picture to buy them online! Although I do suggest you go in and have a look to see everything! :)

I also found an adult pirate costume so of
course I bought it to make the lesson more exciting!
The pirate masks above were my favourite buy
because it meant the kids could be pirates with me!!! J
Check out my little pirates below!!
We began our hunt in our classroom where I read
them the first clue and gave them their coordinates. They found the symbol on
the map and read the key to find where to go next!
Off we went to our first destination!!!!
At each
spot I had a little challenge or activity for students to do. At the first pit
stop they needed to run a lap around the AstroTurf.
Once they completed their challenge they received their next set of instructions and coordinates.
We made our way to the quick sand pit where we
walked along and plank and then tried to run through the quick sand without
getting stuck!
We followed out next set of coordinates which
led us to a walk through the nature play. We walked across a wobbling log and
tiptoed across log circles.
The next clue told us to sail across the seven
seas so we had to pretend to be a ship and sail over to our next destination!
These two were priceless that whole hunt!
One of them brought along his own map - which
they used together to find the next stop!
At each stop they would run around looking for
the treasure and call back to each other in a pirate voice!
They also checked around every corner to make
sure no one was following them or sneaking up on them!
Got to love them J
At last we received our final clue that our
journey would end where it began!
We quickly began to make our way back to class
where they found the treasure placed under the palm tree!! J
It was a GREAT day!!!
Thanks for stopping by to read :) I have been working on a perimeter and area unit that will hopefully be ready by next weekend!
For now I thought I would leave you with a sneak peek!
Have a great weekend or what is left of the weekend! :)
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